License to speak

Following the MDA's most recent legislation for news websites, one couldn't help but be cynical on the motivation behind this enforcement.

To quote our Minister for Communication & Information, Yaacob Ibrahim: 

"... it is regularizing what is already happening on the Internet and making sure that they are on par with our mainstream media"

This statement, if read as-is, seemed to be brimming with the usual traits of this "democratic" government:

Confidence fueled by arrogance fueled by ignorance.

To sincerely believe that the publications (about Singapore) on the Internet should be "on par" with the local media implied much confidence in the standards of our mainstream media.

It seemed to be a belief by the people behind wardrobes that our mainstream media is an ideal representation of how news publication should be. Perhaps it will be an ideal representation... in North Korea.

The confidence in which how, and what, news websites should publish is fueled by ignorance, that is fueled by arrogance.

To believe that they can regulate the Internet is arrogant. It is as though a small kid telling an adult that he should conform to the former's expectations.

To believe they can enforce what other news websites (besides the 9 obvious state-controlled sites) can publish about Singapore is ignorance. These people don't seem to realize how the world sees our so-called "media". Our media is state-controlled; this is so open that every foreign news website reporting on this new legislation had described our media as "state-controlled media".

The Minister thinks Singaporeans are criticizing on the move as a method to control the media. No. We're not the only one. The whole world thinks so, and is criticizing it with a variety of vocabulary. Only ignorant the less critical, will think that this legislation is not a backhanded way to control the news content.

Welcome to Singapore; one day, we will all need to pay for a license to speak in this country. 

When Colors don't really help

There were days where I receive resumes in bright red font colors. That was in the past though.

But then, there will be days where I receive email cover letters with rather interesting choice of colors for their fonts.

(Note: Email Cover Letters = Cover Letters that were written in the email body rather than in a separate document)


I suppose I can use the Outlook's feature "Edit Message" to view this cover letter. Which was what I was doing while taking the screenshot. Nonetheless, the color combination amused me.

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