A wee bit bright
Dear Jobseeker,
I understand the need in ensuring your CV attracts attention. However, your choice of font color #FF0000 is pushing it. Thank you.
From the Desk of a Recruiter
Remember in the previous entry, I mentioned one of the two suicidal mistakes when writing their CVs? Yeah, this is the second one.
Yes, there is a very strong need to ensure your CV attracts the attention of either the recruitment consultant or the HR officer reading.
But... having your CV in full #FF0000 color is reeeeeally pushing the limits on making a CV "attractive".
To those of my readers who understand HTML color codings, you probably should know what color I am referring to.
In any case, this is the color I am talking about.
Yes, it is bright red.
No, I am not kidding when I say I received a CV in bright red.
And please, jobseekers, please, do not do a job-hunt suicide by choosing the worst color possible. There are better ways to do suicide during a job-search.
Signing off,
From the Desk of the Recruiter